The Bowl - The First introductory task to the course was to turn a 200mm x 200mm square piece of aluminium into the shape of a bowl through the manipulation of reshaping the properties of the aluminium. Material: 200mm x 200mm Aluminium sheet Tools used: Tin Snippers Plywood radius guides Marking pencil Tapered plastic mallet Sandbag Concave wooden stump English Wheel Step 1 By using the Plywood radius guides, accurate circles could be marked out along the surface of the aluminium to soon act has guides to beginning shaping the material. Step 2 With the outer most circumference marked it was then time to use the tin snippers to accurate cut out the radius, this one done by making small consecutive cuts 2 millimetres away from the marked lined, so i could go back a second time and be even more accurate. Finally some simple filing along the edges ensured no sharp spurs were left on the sheet of metal. Step 3 Using the wooden s...